
Early Bird Chat

On This Day: President Obama holds a baby as he greets people during a campaign rally at the Delray Beach Tennis Center on October 23, 2012 in Florida


MoooOOOooorning – Happy Thursday!

82 Responses to “Early Bird Chat”

  1. October 23, 2014 at 7:39 am

    Good Thursday, Chipsticks…TOD Family!!!

    Everyone enjoy your day.

  2. 3 Roberta in MN
    October 23, 2014 at 7:41 am

    GM swbluega on your early rise to #uno. GM Chips & Danny.

  3. 6 jackiegrumbacher
    October 23, 2014 at 7:41 am

    Good morning. I totally love the look on that baby’s face. It’s as if he wants to imprint that moment for the rest of his life. Oh that each of us could be so lucky.

  4. October 23, 2014 at 7:44 am

    So cute! Good morning TOD folks

  5. 10 Roberta in MN
    October 23, 2014 at 7:48 am

    Been missing in action for a while. Right now I am up in the Twin Cities visiting my oldest Son, Ross, at the Good Samaritan Care Center. He moved here 2 years ago and this is the first time I have been up to driving and spending some time with him. It’s a beautiful new Nursing Home & Rehab center and they have a really nice Guest Room for family. I will be here another day and then I am driving up to my Sister’s who just had Ablation Surgery 2 weeks ago. She is going in for Pulmonary tests today. She is not doing as well as we had hoped. So once the old junker got fixed and I was feeling up to driving decided I would make the trip and do some visiting. Will be back home Sunday afternoon. I Miss my Megan, can’t bring a overnight doggie here. 😦 . She is in good hands. I have been reading and catching up, he internet here is really SLOW. 🙂
    I will be lurking off and on today.
    Hello everyone and have a great Thursday. RCA

  6. 12 Roberta in MN
    October 23, 2014 at 7:50 am

    Has anyone heard from Cookemom?

  7. October 23, 2014 at 7:56 am

    G’morning Chips & TOD! What is it that PBO & baby are intensely focused on while the rest of crowd seems oblivious?!?!? 🙂 Love that pic.

    • October 23, 2014 at 7:58 am

      Mooooooooorning Hopefruit!! I was never able to find a caption that explained, but I’m guessing a plane or helicopter! It’s the cutest pic 🙂

      • 15 hopefruit2
        October 23, 2014 at 11:52 am

        Indeed…It’s just so cute that PBO and the baby are the only ones in the pic who seem to be attending to same thing – everyone else is focusing on something else. LOL!

  8. 16 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 7:56 am

    Gee—–this poll looks like it might have had an agenda——or nearly everyone under 50 has moved out of N.H. (Shaheen/Brown tied)

  9. 17 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 8:08 am

    Joni Ernst is prepared to shoot at “the government” if need be. How could Ia. even be considering this nuttiest of nutcases? Amusing/cruel hog ads???

  10. October 23, 2014 at 8:08 am

    That picture of PBO with the baby reminds me of the Cosby Show episode where Cliff is babysitting his grandchildren:

  11. 23 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 8:13 am

    Isn’t it astonishing that all these Repub dominated states are trying every trick in the book to make it harder for citizens to vote? Seems undemocratic and unAmerican to me.

    • 24 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 8:48 am

      They are disgusting, Dotster, and get more blatant with every election. When are the citizens of these states going to call them out and protest loudly that they stop trying to steal election. I hope all these dirty tricks make people more determined to vote than ever.

    • October 23, 2014 at 10:19 am

      That disgusting North Carolina Governor.

    • October 23, 2014 at 10:25 am

      The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. §§ 1973–1973bb-1)[7]:372 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.[8][9] It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the height of the American Civil Rights Movement on August 6, 1965, and Congress later amended the Act five times to expand its protections.[8] Designed to enforce the voting rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, the Act allowed for a mass enfranchisement of racial minorities throughout the country, especially in the South. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Act is considered to be the most effective piece of civil rights legislation ever enacted in the country..


      It has been less than 50 yrs that the son and daughter of slaves have had the protection of the VRA…the act itself has been amended by Congress several times to strengths and give it the punch necessary….SCOTUS just became the most recent Supreme Court to try render the act null and void….

      and now this disenfranchisement has been extended to the members of Obama Coalition….The press treats Voter Enfranchisement and Voter Suppression …like it is a tennis match…my right to vote is the being ball that volleyed back and forth…

      Where is the outrage from the press about citizens being systematically denied their right to vote…thru the use of tactics like those expressed in this article….

      This is the purpose of the press…that is why the Freedom of the Press is enshrined in the constitution…but the Press is not living up to its sacred trust….

      being corporate owned will do that to ya..

  12. 27 africa
    October 23, 2014 at 8:15 am

    Happy Thursday TODers!!

    Heeya Chips

    It’s back to work for me today after a few days off.

  13. 28 africa
    October 23, 2014 at 8:16 am

    MSM news is a shame:

  14. 29 hopefruit2
    October 23, 2014 at 8:17 am

    There is another newly released anti-PBO propaganda poll being circulated on Twitter. Beware of such propaganda in these last couple weeks before the midterms…

    • 30 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 8:53 am

      Hf, not only are these rigged polls, they’re meaningless since PBO’s name will not appear on any ballot. Yesterday I was manning the Democratic/Election office when a very aggressive man came in to tell me he did not like “Obama” and was about to list the reasons why. I told him, it was too late, the president had been re-elected two years ago and he was not on this year’s ballot. Took the wind right out of his sails, although he tried to bluster for a while more. Turns out he moved to PA from Arizona and wasn’t even registered.

  15. 37 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 8:21 am

    Charged with 4 cts. of resisting arrest and unlawful entry, one charge of making threats, 2 charges of assault on SS dogs……

    • 38 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 8:55 am

      Well I hope this moron goes to jail for a very long time. If he’s only 23, he may just be spending his 30th birthday with other prisoners.

  16. 39 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 8:26 am


  17. 42 Don
    October 23, 2014 at 8:29 am

    I like the excitement of going to vote, handing the poll worker my i.d. and walking towards the voting machine. I get a rush of excitement knowing that I get to choose which elected official I want to run the government. With that being said I’m going to be very angry if the Dems don’t retake and house and maintain control of the senate. The Republicans have shown that they don’t give a damn about the average American citizen, and how any citizen of this country can vote republican is beyond my understand.

    • 43 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 8:58 am

      I think if people understood how much fun voting is, they’d rush to do it. Unfortunately, a lot of people are frightened of being hassled or of not understanding what’s being asked of them. Many electronic ballots are confusing, especially when it comes to referendum questions or issues about judges.

    • 44 Vicki
      October 23, 2014 at 9:04 am

      I feel the same way, Don. My parents made voting an event and took me along. Not voting seems crazy to me. Why would any citzen not vote??? And yet tremendous numbers don’t do it.

  18. 46 Don
    October 23, 2014 at 8:34 am

    The thing about these Whitehouse fence jumpers is that they never get “accidently” killed like young black men do.

  19. 47 GGAIL
    October 23, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Good West Coast morning Chipsticks & TOD family!

  20. October 23, 2014 at 8:57 am

    Good morning Chips and TOD. So love the pictures of PBO and babies first thing. Mass me smile. Off to catch up. Have no idea what happened in Canada yesterday.

  21. 49 dotster3
    October 23, 2014 at 8:58 am

  22. 50 desertflower
    October 23, 2014 at 9:06 am

    This is disgusting and proof positive of some serious dark money trying to buy elections! This is NOT what the Founder’s would think is ok!! Where’s all the screaming about the Constitution NOW??

    http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2014/10/election-to-cost-nearly-4-billion-crp-projects-topping-previous- midterms/

    • 51 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 9:22 am

      Df, we all know this current R dominated SCOTUS could care less about the Founders, democracy or the constitution. They are in the pay of big money corporations and will do their bidding until the day they are put out to pasture, which can’t come soon enough. We have to make sure that there is a Democratic president when one of these democracy destroyers bites the dust.

      • 52 desertflower
        October 23, 2014 at 9:32 am

        Oh, absolutely! I was actually referring to the RWNJ portion of the populace, screaming….as for SCOTUS, you are more than correct on your assessment.. Shameful. Sorry about that little bugger from AZ…one less for me to deal with, but still, I don’t wish them on anyone 🙂

    • October 23, 2014 at 9:30 am

      There are a lot of qualified people who don’t consider running for office. Not only because of the potential slander/libel and invasion of privacy that they would have to deal with, but because of competing with corporate and billionaire money. Having the mental stamina to deal with all of that has made it a requirement to run for office…something that would make most people think twice.

      • 54 desertflower
        October 23, 2014 at 9:37 am

        I actually thought about running for office, with no actual intention of winning, though I would be prepared and thrilled if I did, just to prove that point. Big money from corporations, dark money and PACS control way too much…it would be nearly impossible for a citizen with passion, like myself and so many others, to even consider running for office.

  23. 55 jackiegrumbacher
    October 23, 2014 at 9:15 am

    Who wants to bet that this is the next big ‘scare’ the media latches on to. This “chikungunya’ disease is devastating Puerto Rico and other Caribbean countries right now. Another ‘run for your life’ moment.

  24. 56 japa21
    October 23, 2014 at 9:24 am

    GM all.

    Just calm down, buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride for the next 12 days.

    No matter what happens on November 4, remember, PBO will still be President and he will still use the pen and the phone to get things done.

    To my fellow Illinoisans. The governor race is still tighter than a drum. It would not surprise me if Rauner won. However, if he does, the difference between here and states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and others, is that we will still have a Dem dominated legislature, so a lot of what Rauner would want to do won’t get done.

    • 57 jackiegrumbacher
      October 23, 2014 at 9:32 am

      Japa, I hate to keep harping on this, but people have to be mindful of their health. I’m seeing too many people my age or older who are already close to exhaustion from working on the campaigns. We need to do what we can without killing ourselves in the process. Take rests when you need them. Try to eat healthy foods, since the junk food at campaign offices just contributes to fatigue, and don’t take on more than you can handle. Anxiety also takes its toll, so take each day, do the best you can and then let it go. In the end, we can’t control anyone’s actions but our own.

  25. 59 Dudette
    October 23, 2014 at 9:29 am

    Good Morning!

    • October 23, 2014 at 9:43 am

      Good Morning, Lady D….Maestro of all Fine Arts! 🙂

      That’s one thing I like about the *classic* cartoons (Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, etc.) …how they often incorporated classical music into the scripts.

      Enjoy your day!

      October 23, 2014 at 9:49 am


  26. 62 Dudette
    October 23, 2014 at 9:31 am

  27. 64 Dudette
    October 23, 2014 at 9:34 am

    • October 23, 2014 at 10:28 am

      japa21, thank you for the laugh. The media here in the U.S. sees nothing wrong with what they are doing because with them it’s all about ratings, with them journalism left the building along time ago.

      • 67 hopefruit2
        October 23, 2014 at 11:49 am

        It’s not simply about ratings. It’s about spreading a very specific form of propaganda to keep the public uninformed and voting against their own interests to benefit a very select group of people. Joe Scarborough on MSNBC for e.g., has one of the lowest ratings on the entire network – yet he’s being given a 3-hr platform five days a week.

    • October 23, 2014 at 11:45 am

      I guess the various entities who own the Canadian media do not have an overarching motive to to destroy their current PM and help the “opposition” party. So their reporting is largely objective and non-agenda driven – unlike that of the US media which reflects the bias and sociopolitical agenda of the owners – majority of whom are Republican, Republican sympathizers, or anti-Democratic.

  28. 69 Dudette
    October 23, 2014 at 9:35 am

    Have a thrilling Thursday everybody!
    See ya later! 🙂

  29. October 23, 2014 at 9:40 am

    Good morning, TODers. Don’t let any obstacles stand in your way. Vote and then help GOTV.

  30. 74 japa21
    October 23, 2014 at 9:40 am

    This is big news. It is the first report I have seen of any Iraqi forces taking the offensive to ISIS. If the Iraqis keep this up, with US air strikes, the Yezedis have a chance. Like in Kobane, IS has been held off longer than expected, which is why IS is sending reinforcements to both areas. From a PR standpoint, they can’t afford to lose either of these battles.

    October 23, 2014 at 9:41 am


  32. 77 japa21
    October 23, 2014 at 9:43 am

    Pierce hits it out of the ball park.

    It used to be that, when there were no further developments, news operations waited until there were. That was when the country looked to the three major networks, and their anchors, for the news, and these were anchors who were trained as reporters, not as television stars. But then there was cable, and CNN, and then the flood of cable news outlets, and news became entertainment, and a big story became an instant miniseries, with special-effects and theme music, and the point became keeping the story on the air, somehow, even if it meant speculating about airliner-gulping black holes, or Ted Cruz’s yammering about epidemiology. And, of course, there is another great difference.

    The CBC is a Canadian crown corporation. This means it is publicly owned. It runs commercial announcements, but not many, and only to supplement the money its federal funding. Peter Mansbridge was telling us the news, not selling us Cialis, and that makes all the difference.


    • 78 99ts
      October 23, 2014 at 9:49 am

      I was about to post the Pierce link as a reply to your tweet above japa – lucky I refreshed. I liked the beginning as well

      “A lot has been made of the contrast between how the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation handled the events yesterday in Ottawa, and how our own cable news networks handle practically everything. In brief, the difference was roughly the difference between the morning edition of The Times Of London and a tornado siren.”

    • 79 99ts
      October 23, 2014 at 9:53 am

      His earlier post also covers the truth of the US media

      “There has been virtually no mention of Islamic fundamentalism, or ISIL, or ISIS, or any other of the popular bogeymen
      Nobody in parliament has blamed Stephen Harper or leaped to a microphone to yell about closing Canada’s borders”

      This needs to be repeated over and over and over – NOBODY IS BLAMING STEPHEN HARPER

  33. 80 desertflower
    October 23, 2014 at 9:46 am

    Because it makes me smile:)

    October 23, 2014 at 9:54 am

    IT’S A LOVELY DAY………………….:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!

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