Archive for October 4th, 2012


Chat away

Nick Anderson



10:0: President Obama departs the White House

10:50: Delivers remarks at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va

12:05: Departs Va.

1:15: Arrives in Cleveland, Ohio

2:30: Delivers remarks at Cleveland State University in Ohio

4:55: Departs Cleveland

6:20: Arrives at the White House





From Denver to Madison

Madison, Wisconsin, Oct 4 (NBC)




***** The massive crowd of supporters started arriving before dawn Thursday and waited in a line that stretched forever up and down UW-Madison’s hilly Observatory Drive, all waiting to see President Barack Obama’s afternoon rally and praying that skies, gray and threatening throughout the morning, wouldn’t drop rain.

…. UW police estimated the crowd at 30,000, and what looked like thousands more, all with tickets, were denied admission after officials declared the event at capacity early in the afternoon….

More here



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Heads Up: President Obama in Wisconsin

4:30 (approx – it might start early): President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

C-Span * WKOW * CBS 1 * CBS 2 * CNN

Streaming has started at WKOW (thanks JER)

Look at the crowd!!!!!!





Chat away

Yahoo: President Barack Obama greets a young supporter during a campaign event at Sloan’s Lake Park, Oct. 4, in Denver

Back in a while with more



Heads Up: President Obama rally in Denver

12:05: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at Sloan’s Lake Park, Denver

C-Span * Livestream * CBS 1 * CBS 2 * CNN



2:15: Vice President Biden delivers remarks at a campaign event at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, IA

4:40: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


Rise and Shine


12:05: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at Sloan’s Lake Park, Denver

1:35: Departs Denver

2:15: Vice President Biden delivers remarks at a campaign event at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, IA

3:35: President Obama arrives in Madison, Wis.

4:40: Delivers remarks at a campaign event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

6:05: Departs Madison

8:05: Arrives at the White House



NYT: Mitt Romney repeatedly questioned President Obama’s honesty at Wednesday night’s debate …. but he made a number of misleading statements himself on the size of the federal deficits, taxes, Medicare and health care……

Doubling the Deficit: Mr. Romney said Mr. Obama had doubled the deficit. That is not true….

Green Energy: Mr. Romney said that half the companies backed by the president’s green energy stimulus program have gone out of business. That is a gross overstatement. Of nearly three dozen recipients of loans under the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program, only three are currently in bankruptcy…..

The $716 Billion Cut From Medicare: Mr. Obama first brought up Mr. Romney’s frequent criticism that the president cut $716 billion from Medicare, by saying the cost savings were from reduced payments to insurance companies and other health care providers. But Mr. Romney repeated the claim, suggesting that the $716 billion in Medicare reductions would indeed come from current beneficiaries.

While fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked this claim, it remains a standard attack line for Mr. Romney…..

Full article here



Bob Cesca

Thanks DesertFlower





LA Times: Mitt Romney repeated a number of erroneous claims during Wednesday’s debate about President Obama’s healthcare law, including that it relies on a board that will decide “what kind of treatment” patients can get.

This is a myth advanced repeatedly by critics of the Affordable Care Act and debunked consistently by independent fact-checkers.

…. The panel of independent experts is empowered to suggest cuts to how much the federal government pays healthcare providers … but is explicitly prohibited from cutting benefits for people on Medicare.

Full article here


Facebook (Thanks Susan)


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Morning, early birds

More debate photos at the Denver Post

Crikey, I see the previous post got rather busy last night 😕

I’ll back in an hour or two with a Rise and Shine, just wanted to put up a new post for the early birds. See you in a bit 😉







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