Archive for October 24th, 2012


Coming Up

‘Chasing the sun to LA’ (Tumblr)


12:35 AM ET: President Obama Delivers remarks at a campaign event at Doolittle Park, Las Vegas

C-Span * CBS * CNN


President Obama shares a moment with Jay Leno off set of the Tonight Show at NBC Studios, March 19, 2009 (Pete Souza)

Don’t forget, President Obama is on Jay Leno’s show tonight


A Photo Or Two … Davenport to Denver

(Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)



All photos from Davenport, Iowa, October 24


President Obama has lunch with three Obama For America campaign volunteers, from left, Vicki Felger, Deb Willaredt, and Marcia Teshak, at Antonella’s Authentic Italia Pasta and Pizza in Davenport, Iowa (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Iowa, Oct 24 (Tumblr)


Breakfast with VP Biden in Mechanicsburg, Ohio (@JoeBiden)



Click to see the rest of the post


Heads Up: President Obama in Denver

4:55 ET: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at City Park, Denver

Livestream * C-Span * CBS * CNN

An early heads up because streaming of the rally has started at CBS and CNN

The line, earlier today, to see President Obama in Denver (Tumblr)






12:35 AM ET: President Obama delivers remarks at Doolittle Park, Las Vegas




A Video or Six







Catching up with the news, will have more soon 😉


Oh, another one:


Heads Up: President Obama in Iowa

11:10 ET: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, Davenport, Iowa

Livestream * C-Span * CBS * CNN



12:45 ET: VP Biden delivers remarks at a campaign event at Marion Harding High School, Ohio


Rise and Shine

Dayton, Oct 23 (Tumblr)




8:0: The President departs the White House


9:15: Arrives Davenport, Iowa

10:10 (11:10 ET): Delivers remarks at a campaign event at Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds, Davenport

12:45 ET: VP Biden delivers remarks at a campaign event at Marion Harding High School, Ohio

1:15: President Obama departs Davenport



2:05: Arrives Denver, Colorado

2:55 (4:55 ET): Delivers remarks at a campaign event at City Park, Denver

4:20: Departs Denver


5:25: Arrives Los Angeles, California

6:30: Tapes an appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno”

7:45: Departs Los Angeles

8:45: Arrives Las Vegas, Nevada

9:35 (12:35 ET): Delivers remarks at a campaign event at Doolittle Park, Las Vegas

11:35: Departs Las Vegas

The President will remain overnight on Air Force One which will fly to Tampa, Florida


You can hear President Obama’s interview with Tom Joyner here (Thanks CollegeKay)




Harold Meyerson (Washington Post): What Romney’s moderation conceals

….. While Romney has become a general-election tabula rasa, he sits atop what may be the most radical major political party in American history. Regardless of Milquetoast Mitt’s positions, a government with a Republican president and Republicans in control of the House and Senate would use its budget-reconciliation powers to defund or repeal not only the health-care guarantees and financial regulations that Obama signed into law but also much of the education funding and regulatory safeguards on which Americans have depended for decades.

The radicals who dominate the Republican Party have entertained Romney’s turn to the center as a necessary electoral expedient. The day after a Romney victory, their blitzkrieg will begin — leaving the moderate Mitt of the general election to historians specializing in short-lived phenomena.

Full article here




NYT Editorial: In Monday night’s debate, Mitt Romney echoed other Republican politicians, saying that under President Obama’s economic policies, the United States is “heading toward Greece.” …

That bizarre comment, sadly, is no surprise in a campaign that has parted ways with the facts … What is more disturbing is that the comment displays willful ignorance about the lessons of Greece, and such ignorance can only lead to bad policy decisions at home. The lesson that should be learned from Greece is that its fiscal mess has been made far worse by severe budget cuts.

…. Mr. Obama could make his jobs plan, introduced last September but blocked by Congressional Republicans, part of the budget package to be negotiated after the election, when politicians must agree on tax increases and spending cuts to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff.

Mr. Romney’s agenda is missing a direct focus on jobs, foolishly relying instead on high-end tax cuts and deregulation to help the recovery. And he and his party continue to insist on premature deficit reduction that, in a fragile economy, is the real road to Greece.

Full editorial here




See Steve Benen





OFA: Meet Murph – 16,000 Calls and Counting




Morning everyone 😉







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