Archive for September, 2012


Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Sept 30


The speech will be available at C-Span soon


TOD fundraisers:

a4alice * Alycee * BWD * CollegeKay * Cookemom * DonnaDem4Obama

Hgerhard * HZ * Judith Fardig * Mae Who Love Our CIC

Marlz * Meta * Pamela *prettyfoot58 * proudmemberofglobalzero * Rita * Theo67 * The Obama Diary


I see we’re about to hit 13.5 million blog views, which isn’t really a landmark of any, well, particular note, but hey, on a fundraising deadline night you gotta use whatever you’ve got 😕

If you would like to donate $13.5 million to the Obama/Biden campaign before midnight, just to mark the occasion, that would be very lovely – but if you’re too mean to do that, then even $5 would be wonderful.

Thanks people!


We have hit 13.5 million, so start donating …. right now!



Click to see the rest of the post


Heads Up: President Obama in Las Vegas

Speech scheduled to start at 9:25 ET

Livestream * C-Span

CBS 1 * CBS 2


Coming Up: Las Vegas

Livestream * C-Span

McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, Sept 30


Chat away

President Barack Obama waves as he walks to Marine One prior to departing the White House, Sept 30

Back later 😉


Rise and Shine

You can get the poster here


Today (All times ET):

11:15 The President departs the White House

3:55 Arrives Las Vegas

9:30: Delivers remarks at a campaign event at Desert Pines High School, Las Vegas

(I’ve seen about, ooh, 96 different times for this speech, but it looks like it’s 6:30 local time – will double-check)


TOD fundraisers:

a4alice * Alycee * BWD * CollegeKay * Cookemom * DonnaDem4Obama

Hgerhard * HZ * Judith Fardig * Mae Who Love Our CIC

Marlz * Meta * Pamela *prettyfoot58 * proudmemberofglobalzero * Rita * Theo67 * The Obama Diary



Rolling Stone


You can see VP Biden’s speech in Fort Myers yesterday at C-Span

… with Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Boca Raton, Florida, Sept 29




If you live in Manhattan, you know what storage company to use 😉


Moooooooorning everyone, another busy-ish Sunday, so that was a short Rise and Shine. Will catch up with everything later on, and will drop in and out to say helloooOOOoooooo.


106 Years Old and Voting for President Obama



Coming up (all times ET):

Sunday: The President departs the White House (11:15 AM); Arrives Las Vegas (3:55); Delivers remarks at a campaign event at Desert Pines High School, Las Vegas (9:30)

Monday and Tuesday: The President will remain in Henderson, Nevada.

Wednesday: He will travel from Henderson to Denver where he will participate in the first Presidential Debate at the University of Denver. The First Lady will also attend. The President and the First Lady will remain overnight in Denver.

Thursday: PBO will deliver remarks at campaign events in Denver and Columbus, Ohio. He will return to Washington, DC in the evening.

Friday: PBO will deliver remarks at campaign events in Vienna, Virginia and Cleveland, Ohio. He will return to Washington, DC in the evening.





This week’s enthusiasm gap news

Facebook: Kent State students and others wait in line for tickets to see President Barack Obama on campus on Sept 26. Distribution of tickets for the event began Sept 24.


Romney’s Circus of Lies




Rise and Shine



11:35 ET: Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event in Fort Myers, Florida (live on C-Span)



NYT Editorial: The Economy and the Blame …. The problem with Mr. Romney’s “blame Obama” mantra is that Mr. Obama is not responsible for the deep and protracted recession that predated his administration and is at the root of the persistently high unemployment. Job creation under Mr. Obama’s term far outpaced the job growth following the first recession of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001. New evidence released this week showed recent employment has been stronger than previously tallied.

…. The challenge is to foster the recovery and then put the budget on a sustainable path. Meeting the first challenge requires a belief that government has a stimulative role to play at times of economic weakness and a willingness to play it, which only Mr. Obama has demonstrated. Meeting the budget challenge requires raising taxes, which Mr. Obama is prepared to do but Mr. Romney is not.

He has assumed voters will reject Mr. Obama because of the weak economy. They may well re-elect him because the economy needs more help.

Full editorial here





Dana Milbank: Meet Willard Mitt Romney, champion of the common man ….. When it comes to speaking up for the downtrodden, Romney isn’t just another man of the people. He is the Rolls-Royce of populists.

With evidence building that his prospects have been hurt by his dismissal of nearly half the country as moochers, Romney has been making it his job to worry about the 47 percent of Americans he famously said it wasn’t his job to worry about.

But when such an appeal is attempted by a man who has painstakingly crafted for himself a public image combining Scrooge McDuck and Thurston Howell III, there is bound to be a certain amount of awkwardness and inconsistency…..

…. Why the Baron of Bain would be making a late appeal to the downtrodden is obvious. The latest Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that Americans regard Romney’s “47 percent” remarks negatively, 54 percent to 32 percent. Respondents who self-describe as independent, the all-important demographic, regarded the comments even more negatively.

More here


Virginia Beach (OFA)


Charles Blow: Mitt Romney is losing badly. And he has only himself to blame. Not only is he trailing President Obama in almost every national poll, he’s trailing in almost every poll of swing states.

What is the Republican response? That there must be some magical, maniacal skew in the numbers, and the skew must be a conscious effort by a scheming, elite media to dampen Republican enthusiasm.

…. This is just an extension of the Republican war on facts. If you find a truth disagreeable, simply deny it. Call it corrupt. Suggest that it is little more than one side of a story — an opinionated, biased one — and insist that there is another explanation. The base will buy it.

Let’s just call this Operation Ostrich…..

Full article here




Videos of the week?





Daily Beast: Barack Obama’s Campaign Scoring Points With Video Gamers

You’ve sunk my battleship! That popular phrase ran endlessly in long-ago TV commercials promoting the board-game version of naval warfare. Now, that battleground has morphed into a digital shootout that could tip the balance of the presidential campaign.

The Obama team has targeted Battleship and 17 other online games—including Scrabble, Tetris, and Madden NFL 13—in highly contested swing states to woo legions of early voters.

By placing ads alongside these popular titles by Electronic Arts, the president’s campaign hopes to replicate the past success of this strategy. In 2008, surveys found that gamers who saw political ads were 120 percent more likely to have a positive reaction to the candidate, and 50 percent more likely to consider casting a vote for him.

Those who click are transported to or, which are Obama/Biden sites…..

More here


Lawrence University, Wisconsin, Sept 28



TOD fundraisers:

a4alice * Alycee * BWD * CollegeKay * Cookemom * DonnaDem4Obama

Hgerhard * HZ * Judith Fardig * Mae Who Love Our CIC

Marlz * Meta * Pamela *prettyfoot58 * proudmemberofglobalzero * Rita * Theo67 * The Obama Diary


Moooooooooooooorning everyone 😉


“We met the President of the United States, Barack Obama”


TOD fundraisers:

a4alice * Alycee * BWD * CollegeKay * Cookemom * DonnaDem4Obama

Hgerhard * HZ * Judith Fardig * Mae Who Love Our CIC

Marlz * Meta * Pamela *prettyfoot58 * proudmemberofglobalzero * Rita * Theo67 * The Obama Diary








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September 2012

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