Archive for October 27th, 2012


New Hampshire

Elm Street Middle School, Nashua, New Hampshire (Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)



Sunday: The President leaves for Orlando, Florida.

Monday: Campaign events in Orlando, Youngstown, Ohio and Prince William County, Virginia. The President returns to Washington, DC in the evening.

Tuesday: Campaign events in Colorado Springs and Green Bay, Wisconsin. The President will then travel to Ohio where he will stay overnight.

Wednesday: Campaign events in Cincinnati and Akron. In the evening, the President and the First Lady will welcome local children and children of military families to trick-or-treat at the North Portico of the White House.


Thanks Bob



Patch: An estimated 8,500 Obama supporters fleshed out the grassy knoll in front of Elm Street School Saturday for a stop by President Obama.

That number, provided by Nashua Fire Marshal Cynthia Bautista, could make this the largest political rally in New Hampshire history, beating Oprah/Obama in 2007, according to WMUR political analyst James Pindell.

Justin Kates, Nashua’s Director of Emergency Management said another 400 were turned away at the gate once the space was to capacity….

More here


(AP Photo/Jim Cole)

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

Click to see the rest of the post


‘Today is Election Day in Florida’






Michelle Obama’s speech in Las Vegas yesterday:


Heads Up: President Obama in Nashua, NH

2:0: President Obama delivers remarks at a campaign rally at Elm Street Middle School, Nashua


C-Span * CBS 1 * CBS 2 * CNN

Streaming has started at CBS


President Obama at the Teamsters Union Local 633 in Manchester, New Hampshire, Oct 27 (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)



Florida today (Peter Bosch/Miami Herald)




Thank you Jaznote – your five-year-old son is the cutest ever!


Rise and Shine



10:50: President Obama departs the White House

12:25: Arrives Nashua, New Hampshire

2:15: Delivers remarks at a campaign rally at Elm Street Middle School, Nashua

4:30: Vice President Biden, Jill and Beau Biden campaign in Lynchburg, Virginia (live on C-Span)

5:05: President Obama departs Nashua

6:45: Arrives White House


On Wednesday, the President will travel to Cincinnati, Ohio and Akron, Ohio for campaign events. In the evening, the President and the First Lady will welcome local children and children of military families to trick-or-treat at the North Portico of the White House.


Col. Lawrence Wilkerson:


Paul Krugman: For a few days there the Romney campaign was boasting a lot about having Big Mo — and the press corps actually fell for it, briefly. At this point, however, the reality seems to be sinking in: if Romney has Big Mo, it looks like this:

Despite the Denver Debacle and its aftermath, state polls are showing a clear Obama lead in the electoral college, which if anything is getting a bit stronger….

Why? Jonathan Cohn singles out the auto bailout, and rightly so. I’d add, however, that the killing of Osama bin Laden mattered too …. what the auto rescue and the bin Laden strike have in common is that they were both very courageous decisions — decisions that could easily have gone wrong, that faced lots of second-guessing. You can criticize Obama for many things (and I have, and will in future), but he showed true grit when it mattered, and now seems likely to reap the reward.

Full post here

Thank you Criquet



Truly, Steve Benen is heroic trying to keep track of all these lies




In case you missed it:



If you can bear to see Trump’s face, make sure you look at the clip of him on Letterman (at the very start of the video)


Thank you Meta


Charles Blow: The saying goes: A man is known by the company he keeps. If that is true, what does the company Mitt Romney keeps say about him?

….. Sununu has apologized, somewhat, for his racial attack on Powell’s motives. But what should we make of all this?

We have a very racially divided electorate …. I worry that Sununu’s statements intentionally go beyond recognizing racial disparities and seek to exploit them.

What does that say about Romney, and what does it say about his campaign’s tactics?

Remember: A man is known by the company he keeps.

Full article here


Maddow Blog: ‘Susan B. Anthony would be appalled’


Mediaite: Bill Maher used his final New Rule of the night to warn voters unhappy with President Obama of the political and social consequences of the other guy winning. Maher argued that Mitt Romney winning the presidency would not just be a victory for him, but for every Republican extremist Romney has ever supported in his recent political career. Maher said Romney “may seem like a nice fella,” but he’s “a compulsive liar whose whole life is secret” and would bring too much unwanted baggage into a relationship with America.

…. Maher also warned about the “fresh can of nuts” in Congress with wildly anti-scientific beliefs that would have more free reign under a Republican administration. Maher said that a Republican in the White House would mean the return of “Bible-thumping bullshit” in government.

More here (video at the link)


Las Vegas, Oct 26 – report and more photos at the Las Vegas Sun. C-Span will have the video of the speech some time today – see here







Moooooooorning everyone! Will catch up with emails today, I’m waaaaaaay behind.









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