Archive for December 29th, 2010


mahalo, mr president – Luanne has posted a comment!

Honolulu Star Advertiser:

Dear Mr President,

I am so honored and in awe knowing you are staying just minutes from my home, viewing the same scenery and skyline and hopefully relaxing and enjoying our beautiful island. You belong here because you really do employ the “aloha spirit”.

So, mahalo, and continue to spread the aloha spirit throughout the world. Winning the Nobel Peace Prize proves, at least to other countries, how able you are to reach around the world and show respect, compassion and the willingness to strive for world peace. This should continue to be a strong focal point, as cooperation is the answer to all that is wrong in this world. Please continue to embrace unity.

You are tackling so many issues and it is beginning to show in many ways. So regardless of what the critics say, maintain the kindness and connection that we islanders call the “aloha spirit”, and the world will truly be a better place.

Luanne Webster, Kaneohe

Thank you graciouslady for letting me know about the letter  😉

president delays return to dc until tuesday

USA Today: President Obama is spending some extra time in Hawaii.

Obama will start to fly back from Hawaii on Monday evening, returning to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday afternoon, the White House just announced. He had discussed returning Saturday or Sunday.

“After the extended lame duck and five-day delay of his trip here, he’s just trying to squeeze in more time with his family before returning to Washington,” said spokesman Bill Burton.


circle of friends

CBS: Obama’s Circle Of Friends (January 21, 2009) – ‘From Barry to President Obama; Erin Moriarity speaks with Marty Nesbitt, one of President Obama’s closest friends, about this historic moment and the importance of friendship.’ (You can see the original video here)

A big thank you to Hachikō for the link to this interview – love it. Blackwaterdog also linked the video earlier today, make sure you pay the very wonderful The Only Adult In The Room a visit.

(See August 2011 post with this video here)


“it’s just a big old political game….”

Merle Haggard (left) during the Kennedy Center Honorees Reception at the White House, December 5

Rolling Stone – Merle Haggard: “It was also nice to meet Obama and find him very different from the media makeout. It’s really almost criminal what they do with our President. There seems to be no shame or anything. They call him all kinds of names all day long, saying he’s doing certain things that he’s not. It’s just a big old political game that I don’t want to be part of. There are people spending their lives putting him down. I’m sure some of it’s true and some of it’s not. I was very surprised to find the man very humble and he had a nice handshake. His wife was very cordial to the guests and especially me. They made a special effort to make me feel welcome. It was not at all the way the media described him to be.”

What’s the biggest lie out there about Obama?

He’s not conceited. He’s very humble about being the President of the United States, especially in comparison to some presidents we’ve had who come across like they don’t need anybody’s help…..

Did you talk to the President much?

I told him, “You and I have something in common: our wives are both taller than we are.” And he said “No! She’s got on 3-inch heels! And she is not that tall!” He was like me. He grabbed that real quick.

Rolling Stone interview here


behind the scenes: signing the repeal of dadt


thanks everyone….

…. for all your replies to my Michael Vick-related rant last night, and thanks for being civil even though most of you disagreed PASSIONATELY with me!

I figured in the end, though, that none of you come here to read me ranting about some issue I’m wildly emotional about, there are plenty of other blogs that do that kind of thing, so I’m going to spare you that ordeal. This Presidency is as inspiring to me today as it was yesterday, despite my disappointment on the Vick issue nothing has changed there.

There are plenty of other stances that the President has taken – eg his support for the death penalty – that I completely disagree with, but I can’t imagine there’s a single human being on planet earth who shares every view I hold – and if they did, they sure wouldn’t be in the White House!

Any way, I’m going to get back to celebrating this Presidency with a few nice pics and videos 😉

Thanks again.







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