Posts Tagged ‘bus


Rise and Shine

@lacasablanca: Oval Office meeting: President Obama and @sr_simone of “Nuns on the Bus” discussed #ImmigrationReform



10:20: The President delivers remarks on student loans (White House Live)

10:50: Meets with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen

12:30: Press Briefing by Jay Carney


Yep, how things have changed…..

Washington Post (March 2006): Off the Record, Bush Makes Media Inroads …. As he defends his Iraq policy with a public campaign of speeches and a recent news conference, President Bush also has been waging a private campaign that has included off-the-record sessions with White House reporters….

One gathering, which took place Thursday in the White House residence, was an unusual gesture by Bush, who has agreed to comparatively few lengthy exchanges with reporters during his five years in office….

Last week’s session involved reporters from several prominent broadcast and print outlets, including ABC News and The Washington Post. Under the off-the-record ground rules, the journalists were barred from reporting what was discussed. White House officials said they also hoped the meetings’ mere existence would remain under wraps….

More here


Joe Conason (National Memo): …. The notion that Barack Obama is “Nixonian” – or that his administration’s recent troubles bear any resemblance to “Watergate” – is the biggest media lie since the phony “Whitewater scandal” crested during the Clinton presidency.

…. Only in a country afflicted with chronic historical amnesia could they issue such accusations without shame or embarrassment. Only under those circumstances could the Republicans continue their fitful fabrication of a “Democratic Watergate” without fear of being laughed off the stage….

…. But certain liberals in the media have fretted loudly over Obama’s “scandals,” too …..  is it all just trumped-up hysteria? To answer those questions, it helps to remember what Nixon and his gang actually did to America – and why they were driven out of Washington and, in many cases, sent to prison….

More here



Steve Benen: Student loans reclaim center stage ….. President Obama will deliver remarks, flanked by college students, on a subject that too often goes overlooked: student loans. With a looming interest rate hike, the president will reportedly “call on Congress to help keep college affordable for middle-class families and students by preventing student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1.”

…. House Republicans say they’ve already passed a bill on this, which is true. They also say their bill is worthwhile and consistent with White House demands, which is not true…..

More here




Yep, austerity works so well:

Bloomberg: Euro-area unemployment increased to a record in April after the currency bloc’s recession deepened in the first quarter, increasing pressure on its leaders and the European Central Bank to spur economic growth.

The euro-area jobless rate rose to 12.2 percent from 12.1 percent in March…. to 19.38 million in April, up 95,000 from the previous month. Youth unemployment was at 24.4 percent …. Spain had the highest rate at 26.8 percent. No April data were available for Greece, which had a 27 percent rate in February.

More here




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Nuns on the Bus: Sister Simone Campbell





“The Rock of our Family”

Iowa, August 15


First Hand with the President

Check the girl on the right (sitting on someone’s shoulders) 😆

More from Davenport soon


Willard? Meet Your Waterloo….

Iowa State Fair, August 13 (OFA)




The Waterloo Center for the Arts, Iowa, August 14



President Obama at the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 13

Cole Nelson, nine months, held by his mother Deborah Nelson, inspects President Obama’s face during a visit to the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 13

… with Joy Dannelly, Iowa State Fair

Bayliss Park, Monday, Aug. 13

Denison, Iowa, on August 13

Boone, Iowa, August 13


Council Bluffs, Iowa, August 13 (OFA)

The completely brilliant photographer Scout Tufankjian is back working for the campaign, check out more of her photos on Flickr


Iowa, Day Two

President Obama holds baby Ethan Muhire, B.R. Miller Middle School, Marshalltown, Iowa


Children greet President Barack Obama’s motorcade as it passes through Tama, Iowa


The Nelson Pioneer Farm & Museum in Oskaloosa, Iowa


Visiting the Heil family farm in Haverhill, Iowa



President Obama orders muffins at the Coffee Connection in Knoxville, Iowa


B.R. Miller Middle School in Marshalltown



Next up:

8:45 (?): President Obama delivers remarks at the Waterloo Center for the Arts in Waterloo, Iowa

C-Span * CBS 1 * CBS 2 * CNN  * KWWL

Streaming has started at KWWL, so tune in now!


This and That


Coffee Connection, Knoxville

Knoxville, Iowa, August 14





4:30: VP Biden delivers remarks at Spiller Elementary School, Wytheville, Va.

5:00: President Obama delivers remarks at B.R. Miller Middle School in Marshalltown, Iowa

8:45: President Obama delivers remarks at the Waterloo Center for the Arts in Waterloo, Iowa


Rise and Shine




10:15: VP Biden delivers remarks at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville, Va.

12:25: President Obama delivers remarks at the Nelson Pioneer Farm & Museum in Oskaloosa, Iowa

4:30: VP Biden delivers remarks at Spiller Elementary School, Wytheville, Va.

5:00: President Obama delivers remarks at B.R. Miller Middle School in Marshalltown, Iowa

8:45: President Obama delivers remarks at the Waterloo Center for the Arts in Waterloo, Iowa




Lots more photos from Iowa yesterday here – thanks Dotster!



Morning everyone 😉


Iowa, August 13



10:15: VP Biden delivers remarks at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville, Va.

12:25: President Obama delivers remarks at the Nelson Pioneer Farm & Museum in Oskaloosa, Iowa

4:30: VP Biden delivers remarks at Spiller Elementary School, Wytheville, Va.

5:00: President Obama delivers remarks at B.R. Miller Middle School in Marshalltown, Iowa

8:45: President Obama delivers remarks at the Waterloo Center for the Arts in Waterloo, Iowa


Oh heck, I love PBO supporters:

Supporters of President Obama demonstrate across from the site of the “Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class” bus tour, at El Palacio De Los Jugos, Miami, Florida on August 13


President Obama shares a beer with Mike Cunningham at a beer stand at the Iowa State Fair, August 13

President Obama and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack greet people as they visit the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines


Iowa, August 13


President Barack Obama gets a hug from Joy Dannelly as he visits the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa, August 13


Iowa …. & Mars

President Obama walks from Marine One to board Air Force One at O’Hare International Airport en route to Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Neb.


Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska

… with a member of his Secret Service security detail


Bayliss Park in Council Bluffs, Iowa


President Obama inspects drought-stricken corn with farmer Roger McIntosh as he visits the McIntosh farm in Missouri Valley, Iowa



Next up:

6:15 ET: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event at Boone, Herman Park, Iowa







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