Archive for May 28th, 2013





President Barack Obama gestures to lipstick marks on his collar – the aunt of American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez kissed the president’s collar and left the lipstick marks just before he gave his remarks at an Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month event








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Garden Party

First lady Michelle Obama offers a sniff of fennel to a student from Sarah Moore Greene Magnet Technology Academy in Knox County, Tennessee, while harvesting and cooking vegetables from the White House Kitchen Garden. The first lady was joined by students from Somerville, Massachusettes, Knox County, Tennessee, Milton, Vermont, Washington, DC and Union Beach and Ship Bottom, New Jersey.



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Greetings from Asbury Park

President Obama holds a stuffed bear alongside New Jersey Governor Chris Christie after playing an arcade game along the boardwalk as they view rebuilding efforts following last year’s Hurricane Sandy





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The Funny And The Truthful

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President Obama in New Jersey


1:30: President Obama delivers remarks at Asbury Park Convention Hall, New Jersey

White House Live



Rise and Shine

A year ago: President Obama is reflected in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall as he delivers remarks during the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War commemoration ceremony in Washington, D.C., May 28, 2012 (Photo by Pete Souza)



10:05: The President departs the White House

11:05: Arrives New Jersey

11:15: Attorney General Eric Holder will deliver keynote remarks to 70 new citizens at a special naturalization ceremony in the Justice Department

1:15: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at the White House Kitchen Garden Summer Harvest

1:30: President Obama delivers remarks at Asbury Park Convention Hall

2:15: VP Biden, Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar and President Martelly Speak to the Press, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (Audio Only at WH Live)

2:50: President Obama departs New Jersey

3:55: Arrives the White House

5:30: Delivers remarks at the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration at the White House





Rick Ungar (Forbes): Every now and again, a political pundit is required to stand up and admit to the world that he or she got it wrong.

For me, this would be one of those moments.

For quite some time, I have been predicting that Obamacare would likely mean higher insurance rates in the individual market for the “young immortals” and others under the age of 40….

It is increasingly clear that I had it wrong.

More here





Can anyone explain why there is almost no questioning in the media today of McCain’s trip to Syria? Anyone??




Steve Benen: It’s been nearly a week since President Obama announced his vision for ending the nation’s post-9/11 war footing and rejecting the notion of perpetual war, and while the pushback from the right was immediate, Republican opposition to the shift appears to be hardening.

…. of particular interest were Republican complaints about the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay ….. Rep. Peter King: “…. The president had five years to end this if he really wanted to. He could’ve moved most of those prisoners out of the country.”

….. I couldn’t help but laugh …. Less than a month after President Obama’s 2009 inauguration, King’s Republican colleagues began throwing a major tantrum over the very idea of closing the detention facility….. Three months later, Congress blocked the president from transferring detainees. A year later, they Congress did it again. Does King not remember any of this? If not, why not?

Full post here



VP Biden, Dr Jill Biden and Colombia’s Commander of the Armed Forces Alejandro Navas, stand for the Colombian national anthem during a ceremony to honor Air Force servicemen fallen on the line of duty in a chapel at the Air Force base in Bogota, May 27

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