Archive for January 27th, 2013


What a trip…..

Through good times….

….. and sad

Link to tonight’s 60 Minutes


60 Minutes (2007 & 2008)


Tonight – 7.0 ET: The President and Hillary Clinton on 60 Minutes (Link to interview)


And 2008….


Chat Away

Time to dust down that Chuck Todd pic again, and the caption:

That ‘I’m trying really, really, really hard to take you seriously, you dick, but you are not making it easy’ face

Chat away, back in a while.


Rise and Shine

Interview with the President at New Republic


Sunday: The President has no public events scheduled. (7.0 ET: The President and Hillary Clinton’s 60 Minutes interview)

Monday: The President will welcome the NBA Champions Miami Heat to the White House to honor the team and their 2012 victory

Tuesday: The President will travel to Las Vegas where he will deliver remarks. He will return to Washington, DC in the evening

Wednesday and Thursday: The President will attend meetings at the White House

Friday: The President will award 12 eminent researchers the National Medal of Science and eleven extraordinary inventors the National Medal of Technology and Innovation at the White House, the highest honors bestowed by the United States Government upon scientists, engineers, and inventors


‏@JonHusted – Read the ChirpStory


NYT: A brand new conservative group calling itself Americans for a Strong Defense and financed by anonymous donors is running advertisements urging Democratic senators in five states to vote against Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee to be secretary of defense, saying he would make the United States “a weaker country.”

Another freshly minted and anonymously backed organization, Use Your Mandate, which presents itself as a liberal gay rights group but purchases its television time through a prominent Republican firm, is attacking Mr. Hagel as “anti-Gay,” “anti-woman” and “anti-Israel” in ads and mailers…..

More here


AP: Thousands of people, many holding signs with names of gun violence victims and messages such as “Ban Assault Weapons Now,” joined a rally for gun control on Saturday, marching from the Capitol to the Washington Monument.

Leading the crowd were marchers with “We Are Sandy Hook” signs, paying tribute to victims of the December school shooting in Newtown, Conn. Washington Mayor Vincent Gray and other city officials marched alongside them. The crowd stretched for at least two blocks along Constitution Avenue.

Participants held signs reading “Gun Control Now,” “Stop NRA” and “What Would Jesus Pack?” among other messages. Other signs were simple and white, with the names of victims of gun violence.

About 100 residents from Newtown, where a gunman killed 20 first-graders and six teachers, traveled to Washington together….

More here


March 22, 2010 – Photo by Pete Souza

President Barack Obama’s statement on Sen. Tom Harkin’s announcement that he would not seek re-election:

“By the time Senator Harkin finishes his fifth term, he will have represented the people of Iowa in the United States Congress for an incredible 40 years. He has served in the U.S. Senate longer than any Democrat in Iowa’s history. During his tenure, he has fought passionately to improve quality of life for Americans with disabilities and their families, to reform our education system and ensure that every American has access to affordable health care. Senator Harkin will be missed, and Michelle and I join Iowans in thanking him for his long-standing service and wish him and his wife, Ruth, all the best in the future.”











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