Archive for September 2nd, 2011


a word from blondegrrl

Maybe some of this stuff just needed to be said – TODers can get frustrated too – a day or so ago, the President said he was frustrated, so why not us? Perhaps it was time to blow off some steam.

It does seem like there is nothing but negative things on the news and in blogs and every one has an opinion on what the President should do to fix his standings in the polls. Stop with the polls already – it seems there is one daily telling us the President’s negative numbers. Of course, we jump for joy when the polls say he’s doing well. Polls are just more marketing and sales from the media and used by the media to bolster ratings.

What I tell myself when I get down is that the GOP does not have any plans on anything currently affecting our country, they don’t need to have plans. They are and have been totally successful by just saying “no”, pointing fingers at the President, obstructing and obfuscating changes that the President would like to put in place to actually pull us out of the ditch we are in.

The question is whether a good portion of the country is happy with this style of political management from the GOPers. It appears that the GOTP is losing steam if you focus on what has been happening in states like Wisconsin – several TP candidates lost their seats or did not prevail against democratic state senators.

What we have to make sure is that no additional GOTPers are elected to the House and Senate (or regular GOP) and support PO by working for the election of Democratic Reps and Senators as well as his campaign. I think that the GOP is working hard to gain both houses – if they do that and PO gets elected in 2012 – it won’t matter that the President is a Democratic one. They will rule the country – PO’s hands will be completely tied.

Princess Potty Mouth is correct – the media is not on our side – they are completely and wholly owned by GOPMEDIA. If Chips hadn’t had such great information on the President’s recent bus trip through the midwest, I’d never have known how he affected those he visited with.

So here’s what I think – sometimes you have to follow what’s going on in the media and places like HuffPo and DailyKos to see what you are up against – and sometimes they actually have something good to share. Take things with a grain of salt, come here for good, solid information and sometimes good, solid dissension (if we are all so supportive and never tell it like we think and feel we run the risk of being blinded by rose colored glasses).

I think we should respect that some of our members are frustrated, some of us are scared of losing the best chance to make changes for our country with PO that we’ve ever encountered in our lifetimes, and sometimes our President or his staff do things that make us go “huh”? I mean really, he and they are not infallible – they are only human.


Thank you blondegrrl


joe’s got the hump


getting away from it all….

President Obama and his daughter Sasha walk to Marine One from the White House in Washington, September 2. The President is traveling to Camp David for the weekend.


chat away

Speak your minds, let rip if you want to – but don’t insult each other, please 😉


where are the jobs, boehner?

Marketwatch: Job growth was unchanged in August, the weakest performance in almost a year, the Labor Department said Friday. The weak report was lower than the 53,000 gain expected by Wall Street economists. A strike at Verizon Communications cut 45,000 from payrolls in the month. The unemployment rate held steady at 9.1% as expected.

Steve Benen: …. For the first time in six decades, the U.S. simply broke even – no jobs were lost in the overall economy, and no jobs were gained…

…. It’s worth noting that the figures are skewed a bit by the Verizon strike, which has since been resolved. The labor dispute temporarily subtracted 45,000 jobs from the economy, so when that’s taken into consideration, the overall economy actually added 45,000 jobs in August, which was roughly in line with expectations.

But that’s cold comfort in the midst of a prolonged jobs crisis … This report reinforces the impression that the economy is just stalled, waiting for someone to give it a boost …. It’s a boost, of course, that congressional Republicans are desperate to prevent.

…. August, to be sure, was a brutal month all around. Wall Street took wild swings; Republican antics led to a downgrade in U.S. debt; the European debt crisis intensified, etc. The fact that hiring effectively halted in the month is not shocking.

But it is painful, and serves as yet another wake-up call to anyone who’ll listen: we have a jobs crisis, not a deficit crisis. If our political system were in any way sane, elected leaders would look at these numbers and conclude that the economy desperately needs an immediate jolt. Job creation should be the first, and arguably only, priority on the minds of policymakers.

Full post here

Steve Benen: When the jobs reports were looking quite good in the early spring, Republican leaders were eager to take credit for the positive numbers they had nothing to do with. After all, as far as GOP officials were concerned, their mere presence in the House majority was enough to inspire job creators everywhere.

But if Republicans demanded credit for the job totals in the spring, these same Republicans are desperate to avoid blame for job totals in the summer. It’s a nice little scam Republicans have put together: when more jobs are being created, it’s proof they’re right; when fewer jobs are being created, it’s proof Democrats are wrong.

Heads they win; tails Obama loses…..

More here


‘the senate refuses to consider obama nominees’

Barney Frank (in the Washington Post): …. The president has nominated Richard Cordray, an able, experienced and thoughtful former state attorney general who has a record of achievement in protecting individuals against financial abuse, to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And the Republican minority in the Senate has announced that it intends to deny any consideration of the individual …. they will do that by blatantly distorting the Constitution…..

Cordray is just the latest capable, dedicated public servant to fall victim to a Republican mugging …. his record as attorney general of Ohio puts him in a small group of people able to act effectively to deal with the mortgage crisis. No one has raised any questions about his intelligence, integrity or dedication.

Yet his nomination will not even be fairly considered by the full Senate …. They will not confirm anyone until the Senate majority reverses itself to once again put bank regulators in a position to overrule virtually all of the policies that would be set by the consumer agency. The president is being told that the price of having a nominee confirmed is reversing himself on a major policy initiative that has already been enacted.

…. Cordray’s hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, and we’re going to see an extraordinarily qualified administrator of an important consumer protection agency be trashed by the Senate Republican minority because their primary goal is to ensure that financial institutions are not troubled by what they may see as an excessive concern for consumer fairness.

They are now refusing to confirm any recess appointment …. It is the legislative equivalent to an arsonist having set a fire and objecting to a building’s inhabitants using the fire exit.

Full article here


radioactive perry


‘missing the pulse of the country’


the gop assault on social security


perry’s uterus obsession







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