Archive for February 18th, 2012


hey, how about a saturday stroll down memory lane?


Thank you Dia for the last two 😉


oh politico…..

Am I the last to see this story? 😕

Cognidissidence: The right wing propaganda site Politico was so eager to try to do a smear job on President Barack Obama and his visit to Milwaukee that they failed to look before they leaped and ended up landing into a pile of foolishness with both feet.

Yup, they mistook the Wisconsin state flag as being the flag of Wisconsin Local 1848.

Once they realized how stupid they looked, they deleted the post …. but thanks to the power of Google Cache, you can see it for yourself.

More here


Donovan Slack is the ‘reporter’ who had the story on Politico about Michelle Obama buying $50,000 worth of lingerie …. but never followed it up with the admission from the English paper, that first reported it, that it was untrue.


chat away

Keep out of the rain, see you later 😉


rise and shine

Thank you Video Queen Donna 😉



President Barack Obama sits in the cockpit of a 787 Dreamliner during his tour of the Boeing Plant production facility in Everett, Wash., Feb. 17, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)


President Barack Obama arrives on the South Lawn of the White House after a three day West coast trip, early February 18



The week ahead:

Monday: No public events.

Tuesday: The President and First Lady will invite music legends and contemporary major artists to the White House for a celebration of Blues music and in recognition of Black History Month as part of their “In Performance at the White House” series.

Wednesday: The President will deliver remarks at the construction site of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Thursday: The President will travel to Miami, Florida, to participate in an official event.

Friday: The President will host Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt of Denmark for a meeting in the Oval Office.

Thanks Meta


John McDonough ( I’ve written before about the Obama Administration’s breakthrough efforts to fight health care fraud and abuse. Now there’s more, $4.1 billion more.

Earlier this week, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that the federal government recovered $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars from individuals and corporations attempting to steal Medicare and Medicaid payments to which they were not entitled.

What’s $4.1 billion? It is the largest amount of money ever recovered, by far, in the history of the programs since they were established in 1965. Here are the numbers from the most recent years….

More here

Thanks amk


Robert Shrum: The unholy alliance between Catholic bishops and the GOP

Catholic leaders are self-righteously trying to infringe on the liberty of all Americans. And head-in-the-sand Republicans are cheering them on

The Episcopal Church used to be described as the Republican Party at prayer. Today’s GOP has moved far right, and suddenly the Catholic bishops are now the Republican Party in the pulpit.

For many Catholics — and I intermittently try to be part of the church I was raised in — this is a betrayal of their beliefs about the place of faith in public life….

Full post here


The Week


Morning everyone – will be back later 😉







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