Posts Tagged ‘redfaced


red in the face

Politico: After a day of campaigning with college students, small-business owners and high-rolling Democratic donors, President Obama stopped to charm some of the country’s smallest Americans.

Obama left a $30,400-a-plate fundraiser in a wealthy neighborhood in the San Francisco area on Thursday and walked across the street to greet a bunch of kids who were standing on the edge of the curb holding a sign that told the president how much they love him.

He bent down and shook their little hands, trying to make small talk. “I wish I was in my PJs,” he told one girl who was wearing hers.

“Thank you so much for the sign,” he said to the kids holding it up.

And then he leaned down and autographed it, prompting several thank-yous from the parents who were standing behind the children.

….as Obama continued down the line, a boy piped up. “Show him your picture,” he said loudly. It was enough to encourage another, shier boy to produce two drawings he’d made for Obama.

He handed them over to the president, who thanked him and held them out for inspection.

One drawing was of Obama as a stick-figure in a suit with a very red face. The other was of a building that looked like a castle, presumably of the White House.

“Now, I’m a little red-faced,” Obama said playfully as he examined the rendering of himself.

“This is after I’m talking to some of my Republican colleagues,” he concluded.

The president autographed the drawings, too, eliciting another round of thank-yous from the adults.

“You guys work hard; the least we can do is have a president who does, too,” Obama said before he was whisked off in the presidential motorcade







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